Maggie grew up in Saugatuck, Michigan, where she lives today. She moved away to go to college in St. Louis, Missouri where she graduated from Washington University in St. Louis with a B.A. degree. After graduation she worked for two years managing the oldest health food store in St. Louis where she worked closely with a naturopath and soon realized that she had a calling to work as an ND herself.
Maggie is a Board Certified Doctor of Traditional Naturopaty and Board Certified Master Herbalist. She owns her own practice, LadyHawk Nutrition LLC in Saugatuck, Michigan, where she enjoys enlightening clients about their own health and nutrition, and especially likes watching each person’s journey towards health. In this practice she uses many types of nutritional therapies, and has learned how to discover the causes of disease, and then offer her clients options to address those causes. In this way they are able to remove the sources of disease which allows the body to heal.
Frustrated with being able to help only one person or one family at a time, she leapt at the offer from Darryl Patton to help him start a school of natural health. She is comforted by the number of people who can acquire the secrets of nature and healing from Heirloom Academy of Healing Arts, and how they in turn will spread that knowledge around the world.
She also leads impromptu and informal “herb walks” when the Michigan weather allows. Maggie is just as comfortable teaching one-on-one as she is in a small group or in front of a crowd of hundreds. The end results are the same; she teaches others and they in turn teach her.
Classes: How and Why Medicinal Herbs Work; Medicinal and Edible Herb Walk; and Beautiful Skin, Hair, and Nails.

Darryl Patton has been hunting, gathering and working with medicinal plants for the past 38 years on Lookout Mountain in the Southern Appalachians. Darryl is an ND as well as a Master Herbalist and brings many years of experience to the field of alternative medicine. Known for his easy-going approach towards teaching the identification and uses of medicinal plants, Darryl has been called a walking encyclopedia of herbal folklore.
For 13 years, Darryl was privileged to spend thousands of hours studying under the late A. L. “Tommie” Bass, one of the last of the old mountain herb doctors.
Known internationally among herbalists as well as the common folk living near Lookout Mountain, Alabama, Tommie Bass used his God-given ability and vast knowledge of medical herbs to help thousands of people from all walks of life.
Classes: Medicinal Herb Walks; Cooking with foraged foods.
George Hedgepeth was born and raised in Michigan, but has many fond memories of picking poke salad and yellow root with his older relatives in Alabama.
He became interested in ethnobotany while in college, and has been studying people’s traditional interactions with plants seriously for 33 years. He learns something every time he goes into the woods.
Classes: Edible Plant Walk; Flintknapping.

Matt St. John is a Naturopathic Doctor and herbalist, founder of St. John’s Nutrition, and natural medicine researcher and formulator. He enjoys spending his time educating others about health and wellness through conducting seminars, writing, participating in radio shows, and making television appearances. He and his wife Debra have a television program called “Truth, Health, and Wellness”. He travels frequently worldwide hunting medicine and researching indigenous medicine practices of Native Americans, Amazonians, Latin Americans, and Europeans with his wife Debra, who is a Registered Nurse and research scientist. He lives with his beautiful family in the Lookout Mountain region of Alabama and has committed himself to making health and wellness easy to understand while also being readily available to everyone regardless of their economic status, race, culture, or beliefs.
At 16 years of age, Matt met folk herbalist Tommie Bass who lived only a half hour from his home. Upon discovering that Matt had a myriad of health issues, Tommie assisted him in getting well so that he could start a new life focused on health and wellness. This new life quickly became engrossed in learning about and incorporating natural medicine, not only into his life, but helping others do the same. Matt would visit Tommie often where he began to learn about specific formulations and concepts of natural medicine. From this time, Matt met Tommie’s understudy and friend, the renowned herbalist Darryl Patton, and trained under various wellness experts and practitioners for decades.
Matt has opened over 20 health food stores and clinics across the Southeast, has taught hundreds of classes across the world, conducts weekly health and wellness radio shows, has traveled extensively around the globe studying natural medicine, and is the founder of St. John’s Nutrition in Oxford Alabama, the nation’s only non-profit natural products company and healing center. He and his wife Debra are also the creators and coordinators of St. John’s Amazon Wellness in Tamshiyacu Peru, a non-profit healing, education, research, and rescue center located on the Amazon River.
Classes: Parasites; Herbs for Kids; and “Anarchy Medicine”.

Hi! I’m Emily Giles, herbalist and owner of A New Life Herbs in Somerville, TN. I have a 20+ year background in Physical Therapy. My daughter was actually the catalyst that led me to herbs. In 2007, as I watched my 2 year old struggle with asthma and chronic bronchitis which traditional medicine was not able to fix, I prayed for wisdom and looked to herbs. We started using a respiratory & cough formula and an immune system boosting formula. Within 3 days, her mucous went from green to clear and within one week she was completely well. It has now been over 17 years since she has had an outbreak.
When I saw how well herbs worked to help my daughter, I was sold! Seeing the effectiveness of herbs first hand started what I believe will be a life long journey of the study of herbs. I immediately dove in head first to studying. I started with the library; I would check out every book I could on herbs and started practicing using them in various ways.
I also started studying under The Southern Herbalist, Darryl Patton. I learned so much about identifying our local plants in the wild, using them medicinally, as well as wild edibles. In September 2019 we opened our local brick and mortar shop. This shop provides a ‘hub’ where it all takes place! It is there that we prepare all of our herbal products, coffee and teas to promote community and assist in our local mission of helping others. We also teach weekly herb classes and monthly herb walks as well as komucha classes and more.
Classes: Making Kombucha; Pain and Inflammation.
Brittany Oseland is a student of Heirloom Academy of Healing Arts. Growing up in the forest she has been foraging, gardening, and raising animals for most of her life, even before she realized her passion for homesteading and herbal medicine. As a child, she took great joy in leading what she would later realize were foraging walks with her friends, having them try different flowers and leaves she knew to be edible. Brittany still lives in the Allegan Forest where she grew up, played, and learned about nature and caring for a homestead from her mother and father. She and her husband enjoy raising chickens and a gaggle of cats, and are looking forward to adding to their menagerie.
For the past 8+ years she has been consciously studying herbal medicine and enjoys being able to go to the garden or pantry to help minor ailments rather than taking a trip to the store or pharmacy. Since meeting Maggie Conklin, she has realized that she can make a career from her passions and she is now studying to become a master herbalist. She currently works at a local lavender farm and loves teaching people about plants and their unique qualities.
Classes: Herbal Teas 101, Willow Extraction.

Lila Young grew up on 35 acres where she, her friends, and her siblings could play outside all they cared to. They gardened and canned and ate a few wild foraged foods such as fiddle head ferns, mints, and lilac infused water. They foraged wild raspberries to make jam and cordials (for the adults). As a teen she moved to a farm where she liked to nibble on the clover while bailing hay, and she spent a lot of time admiring many of the “weeds”.
Her son married a lovely Chinese woman who liked to take walks after dinner with them. She would often ask which plants they could eat as they ambled along the trails. Lila was more than delighted in their shared interest in wild edibles.
About this time she discovered books by Theresa Marrone and Sam Thayer, and she enlarged her wild food pantry. Then she started following Maggie Conklin around on her herb walks and realized that so many of these plants are medicinal as well.
Lila has a small garden as well as larger wild areas where she’s sown seeds and transplanted weeds to harvest as food and medicine.
Classes: Eat the Invasives; Garbling Foraged Herbs.
Dayton Bournique is a 16 year old Survival and Tactical skills instructor from Central Indiana. He is homeschooled and has a strong thirst for attaining knowledge. Dayton has taught at several conferences throughout the country over the last few years. His favorite classes to teach include: Restraint Breaching/Escape, Fire, and Lock-Picking. Dayton is also an aspiring knife-maker and blacksmith. You can connect with Dayton on YouTube/Facebook/Instagram page @Ballistic Mischief.
Classes: Many ways to start fire; knife-making.

Brian Boatwright is a Wilderness Skills instructor in Northeast Alabama. As a youth, Brian’s love of the outdoors and the Old Way of living, was kindled through the “Foxfire” series of books, studying and practicing the skills of the inhabitants of the Appalachian mountains. Much time of his teen years were spent on the banks of the Coosa River, fishing, running trot lines and trapping. Throughout his life, hunting, camping, hiking and studying wild plant edibles were of high interest. In Brian’s adult life, this love of the outdoors inspired him to further study the skills of Herbal Plant medicines, Bushcraft and survival skills. Brian sought out Darryl Patton’s Deep South Center for Herbal Studies, and has been training with Darryl, aka “The Southern Herbalist” for the last five years as an Herbalist. Brian also received training in Bushcraft and Navigation, through multiple classes with Randall’s Adventure Training (RAT) in Gallant Alabama. Through RAT, Brian met James Gibson (Knob Creek Forge), a Wilderness Instructor, knife forger, flint knapper etc., and has spent much time under the instruction of James, learning his skill set. Brian attributes Darryl and James to the bulk of his knowledge in his studies. Brian lives in Northeast Alabama with his wife of 32 yrs, and their 2 sons. He currently, with partner Johnny Speigle, operate a Wilderness Skills School.
Classes: Pick your “Alone” gear list; The right knife for the job; Ask the Bushcraft Expert Q & A.
Classes will be updated as we get closer, so check back often.
Click on the links below for more information about the conference, the venue, and to register.